*— Server Just Started —*
Hey the first three people that are gonna join when I (Zakkaroom) is on, are gonna get some unique special items 😀
Hey the first three people that are gonna join when I (Zakkaroom) is on, are gonna get some unique special items 😀
__No Rules__
This server doesnt have any rule ! You can cheat, you can grief, you can build or even kill ! Doesn’t matter, this world is yours to conquer.
This server doesnt have any rule ! You can cheat, you can grief, you can build or even kill ! Doesn’t matter, this world is yours to conquer.
__Cool Events__
There is gonna be a whole bunch of events on this server with each of them having rewards ! It could be to hold a position for a week or just a little fishing contest. The rewards could be rare or even unique item !
__Same Map__
This map is never gonna change. You can grief spawn or really grief anythig if you want too.
__Build the strongest Clan__
Recruit and build cities or outpost ! The world is really yours to conquer with your team. Engage Wars !!